I went back to teaching Dutch to a group of eigth graders of the lowest level (vmbo). It definitely costs a lot of energy, because it's a really noisy group. But they're nice kids and we'll get used to each other quickly I'm sure.Next week we have our spring break and M and I are going skiing in the Italian Dolomites (Southern part of the Alps), together with lots of family members. We're really looking forward to that! I'm sure that some outdoor exercise, combined with amazing Italian food will do me good. I hope to look better than I did last year. But if it snows like it did last year, I'll look just like this again! :)
I've also picked up my studying again. I'm working on my thesis. The main question I'm trying to answer is: "What extra skills does a music teacher in vmbo need, as opposed to a music teacher in havo/vwo?". (click here for an explanation of vmbo/havo/vwo) The reason for that is that I seem to be the only person who enjoys to work with the lowest level kids. Most graduated music teachers start in job like that, but move up to higher levels as soon as they get the chance. I think that is because they weren't properly prepared in college. That's why I will be teaching a group of third year college students, as a part of the practical part of my thesis. And the dean has so much faith in me that the students that take my class will actually be awarded credits, how cool is that?
All in all, I'm back to a busy life. Although I must say that the study discipline I used to have, isn't really back yet. Take now, for instance. I went to the computer to start typing on my thesis (I already have 2 pages) and now I'm blogging again...
Succes met je scriptie. Interessant onderwerp! En niet te hard van stapel lopen he?? Eerst lekker skieen!
Thank you very much for your comment on my site! I hope you had a nice day. We also don't do anything about it, but I wanted to wish everybody a happy valentines day! :)
Dat komt vast wel weer goed, jou kennende.. ;) Wou dat ik jouw discipline en motivatie had, of een beetje ervan!
Supercool trouwens dat je die derdejaars lesgeeft! Je bent wel een echte duizendpoot hoor.
Heel veel plezier volgende week en don't break a leg!
Ik denk dat je lekker de goede kant op gaat zo te lezen in ieder geval. Lesgeven aan VMBO is ook niet makkelijk, maar toch met de instelling die jij hebt zouden er meer leraren moeten zijn. Mijn dochter doet ook VMBO en die ondervindt regelmatig dat de leraren er niet zoveel zin in hebben. DAt is best jammer. Het komt ook regelmatig voor dat bijvoorbeeld de HAVO leerlingen leukere uitstapjes maken dan VMBO. Reden daarvoor is dat de HAVO leerlingen daar meer aan toe zijn. Dat stimuleert ook niet echt natuurlijk.
Maar goed, succes met je scriptie het gaat je vast en zeker lukken
gr ALette
p.s. alvast fijne vakantie
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