Monday, January 28, 2008

Roosters Goodbye

The four white chickens you see here are roosters. The two brown ones are hens. All of them were hatched October 29. The roosters eat a lot, poop a lot, fight and aren't very productive. That is why I gave three of them away to our uncle, who promised to return one (deep-frozen). One is allowed to stay and rule over the hen house (as long as he isn't too noisy, like Tandoori was). Some people say this is cruel, but I guess that's the way farm life can be...


Mom2fur said...

Oh, I don't think it's so cruel. The roosters don't know their fate, after all. My sister has a farm, and once when I visited there was the cutest baby bull there. His fate was pretty much the same as the roosters...
They sure are pretty, for such noisy, messy things, aren't they?
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog!

A Romantic Porch said...

I grew up on a small farm. I know all about chickens. Gotta love a creature that gives food every day!
Thank you for commenting on my blog in the giveaway. I am so excited to have an international person comment. I have some regrets about the USA addresses only, because I really would like to have some international friends, but I'm so new to blogging (Jan 1 2008) and someone just told me that is how I should do the giveaway. Anyway, I'll see how who the "official winner picker" picks, and then I'll make a decision from there. So neat that you were an exchange student here. I'd like to know more about that. I'll be sharing more about IN, so I hope you will be inspired to return. Have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for your comment. I'm super excited to hear from you!! xo Rachel

Anonymous said...

Are you in Holland? That is so neat! I have a sister in law and a niece over there. I want fresh eggs! lol

Thanx for stopping by