Our school has had a new concierge for a while now. This man is very attentive, and thinks along with everyone in the building. He saw me racing around with the tv/dvd-set a lot, and he also noticed that the distance between the room where the tv-set is located and my classroom is pretty far. Not only is it far, but I have to cross two thresholds with the cart, so it's slightly dangerous to move the set.
The other day he asked me to step into his office. He showed me a brand new tv/dvd-set with an awesomely big and flat tv, and asked me if I would like to have it for my classroom!
Well, of course I did...
So now I'll never have to worry if the tv is available anymore, and anytime I want to use the tv or dvd for highly educational purposes, I can!
Nice :D
But can you take it home at the weekend? :-)
Oke dan.. een reactie ;)
ja hoor :) weer geluk!
Hopelijk blijft het geluk op je hand.. vooral tijdens de verbouwing die er aan zit te komen
(sorry maar in het engels wordt het echt gebrekkig)
groeten Inge
Dat is toch wel echt super geregeld!! Hoe zit het verder met computers en dergelijke daar, zijn er genoeg voor alle leerlingen en collega's?
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