It totally made me think, and shocked me too. Am I really that narrow-minded? Do I really get scared when things go differently? After a lot of thinking and talking to different people, I realised that I do say "no" to a lot of things she wants to implement. But only because they're against school or music department rules or agreements. And maybe I sometimes try to stop her, because I know ahead of the time that the thing she wants to try won't work. I've shared lots of lesson plans and work sheets that I've made with her, thinking that she would appreciate not having to make them herself. But she accused me of trying to make her into a copy of myself, teaching wise! I was baffled. Here I was, trying to be nice, and she totally used it against me! That taught me a lesson. I won't share things with her any longer.
Last week I sent her an e-mail, inviting her to stay a little longer on Monday and talk to me about this situation. She did not reply, but Monday she had called in sick. Of course, there is a flu going around. But it did seem like an awful coincidence in my narrow-minded suspicious mind.
Vervelend zulke collega's. Nou ja, laat je er niet onder krijgen.
Ik heb ook eens zoiets bij de hand gehad. Het mens zat me constant te treiteren en uit de tent te lokken. Op een gegeven moment was de situatie onhoudbaar en kwam de chef er aan te pas. Alles werd ontkend natuurlijk en toen kwam er ineens uit dat ze niet met vrouwen kon werken alleen maar met mannen, tsja dan ben je stil.
succes met je collega, leuk is anders
Nou lekker. Laat je er niet onder krijgen meid, en geloof haar niet, you're better than this..
It sucks when people treat you like that. Or worse accuse you of these things... But... Keep in mind why you said no. Why you did the things you did. You only tried to help. Only did what you thought was best. Furthermore... Laat dr maar eens op dr bek gaan. Maybe when she'll see that things don't work the way she planned them she'll understand where you're comming from....
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