Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blessed and lucky

Blessed and lucky, that's what I am. I come from what we in Holland call "a warm nest". We have a great relationship with my parents and my brother and his girl friend. We don't fight, we just get along and respect and help each other. My brother and I have had every opportunity to study and broaden our horizons.
I have a great husband and within a month I received my college diploma, my wedding ring and the offical ownership certificate of our house.

The past few days I've seen that I shouldn't take all this for granted. Blessed and lucky. And grateful. That's what I am.


Anonymous said...

Mooi geschreven. Sterkte met alles! Je hebt heel wat meegemaakt de laatste maanden.

T. said...

Het is inderdaad allemaal niet vanzelfsprekend en daarom des te mooier dat het allemaal gebeurt. Goed om daar zo nu en dan bij stil te staan.

Anonymous said...

good for you that you're not taking things for granted. But also take in mind that because this is happening to you, you deserve it. You've walked a rough path and now it's time to harvest....