Monday, November 16, 2009
Pictures here:
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Nope, still nothing
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
No baby yet
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The bounties of the land
*I'll never understand those weird humans...*
OK, then I'll just eat it myself.
Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sisters in-law
Thursday, October 15, 2009
One of the things my midwife had told me on Monday, was to call if I didn't feel the baby as much as I had before, considering the bloodpressure and traces of protein. So - rather stressed out - I called M, who was on his way back from a trade fair in Amsterdam and of course was stuck in traffic. He told me to call the midwife, who asked me to come in to the office right away.
So I walked over to the in-laws (who live down the street) and my mother-in-law took me to the midwife's. Thank goodness she found a very strong heartbeat, so that was nice. My blood pressure was through the roof (understandably, considering my stress) but the traces of protein in my urine were gone. M came in right when she told me she wanted me to go to the hospital for a CTG, just in case.
So we went to the hospital and I was hooked up to a machine. They took my blood pressure again, and took a 30 minute CTG. The hospital midwife told me it looked like a happy baby, and it showed lots of movements. The weird thing was that I still hadn't felt anything. She made an ultrasound which also showed a moving baby. I just didn't feel it. That's why she called in the ob/gyn. The ob/gyn also made an ultrasound and took a lot of time for us. We got a very good view, we even saw the baby's face. He/she was sucking his/her thumb! She told me that the baby had dropped nicely and that I probably didn't feel anything because the placenta was very close to the baby's arms and legs. So if it moves a little, it's cushioned by the placenta, and that's why I don't feel it. Apparently it had turned around recently, because its position was different than last week.
She measured a few body parts. The baby has a big head (which all people in my side of the family do, hats never fit me) and long legs (like my husband). The growth was equivalent of a 38 week baby (and I was 37 weeks and 1 day). She measured it at 3 kilos, or 6 lbs 10 oz. Both the ob/gyn and the midwife told me it will be a "healthy big baby".
All in all I'm glad I went in. I wouldn't have slept at all, and I was getting so stressed out. It cost us an hour and a half but definitely reassured us all was fine. I don't even have to in to the midwife's again today, because they tested me so thoroughly last night. Phew!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The last stretch
Yesterday I went to see the midwife, like I do every week. She measured my blood pressure, and then measured it again. I thought that was funny. It turned out to be 120/90 both times, as opposed to the steady 110/70 it had been throughout most of my pregnancy. Then she looked at my hands. "Your fingers are swollen, aren't they?" Yes, they are. "How has your weight gain been the past few weeks?" Two kilos in two weeks (that's 4.4 lbs). Then they tested my urine, and found traces of protein in it. All of this could - but does not necessarily does - point to signs of preeclampsia. I had not been nauseous or had blurred vision, and I still feel ok. Sure, I sleep well for two nights and then hardly sleep the third night, and the skin on my belly sometimes itches like there's a hundred ants creeping underneath, but that's supposed to be normal for the last stretch, right?
The midwife told me to go home and not worry, because that's not good for my blood pressure. She does want to see me in again on Thursday instead of next Monday.
I guess I shouldn't worry. If she really thought it was preeclampsia, she wouldn't have sent me home but told me to go to the hospital right away. And I'm exactly 37 weeks along. That's considered a milestone over here. Not only is the baby full-term now, but also you have to be at least 37 weeks along to be allowed to deliver at home. So if I get contractions now (and I continue to feel ok and things go normally, as far as that's possible in labor) I'll be allowed to stay at home to have my baby. And that's what I really want!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Family heirloom
It was made in 1946 for my aunt. After that my mom, cousins, distant cousins, brother and I slept in it. Of course I love history like that, so we went to my aunt and uncle's to look at it.
It needed some work. The upholstery was gone and there was no mattress. But we brought it home with us and my mother-in-law offered to help. In the end, she didn't just help, but she and M's aunt did all the work. All I did was go the market with them to pick out the material. When we came back from our vacation, it was right there next to our bed. Isn't it beautiful?
Our baby will have a historical start. Hopefully it will be born in the house that was built by daddy's family in 1863, and then sleep in the bassinet that was made for mommy's family in 1946. We think that's pretty cool!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Green thumb
Then, I went around in my house and decided to try and start some new plants. I had two Kalanchoes that were really ugly looking. After some searching online I found that they're really easy to replant, so I cut a few stems of and planted them. I also did that with a Tolmiea (Dutch name: baby-on-mother's-lap, so much cuter). When I was browsing around the chicken shed, looking for pots, I found this pot with three hyacinth bulbs that I had had inside last spring. I noticed they had sprouted again, so I watered the bulbs and put the pot in a window sill. It's always exciting to see if it's going to work out!
Friday, October 02, 2009
Almost there
This is how I looked yesterday (a little grumpy, apparently ;-)).
As you can tell my belly has grown a lot! My maternity leave started a week ago. I decided to stop working 6 weeks before the due date, and I'm very glad about that. Now I can do what I want to do and I don't have to work anymore! I'm taking things very easily (while I still can). When M leaves for work I turn off the alarm, turn around and I wake up when I wake up. Usually that's somewhere between 9 and 10. And then I do, well, what do I do? I've been taking maternity classes, breastfeeding classes, I've been shopping and washing baby clothes. Every afternoon I take a nap. That's my life in a nutshell. Pretty boring, huh? I'm enjoying it though. Yesterday I went to the midwife and she told me that the baby hasn't dropped yet. It is in the right position, so it's starting to move down. Next Wednesday we'll have an ultrasound to check the position. I didn't know that was the new standard, so it surprised me a little. But it will be fun to look at the baby again before I really get to see it!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Another belly photo and some ramblings
The house is getting to be close to done as well. The upstairs bedrooms have been painted and we can pick up the vinyl for the floors tomorrow. We don't have stairs yet, that might take another 8 weeks. But when the baby is here everything should be done. So all is good! I'm such a lucky girl!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Very funny
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz
T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz: "
Take the fun, Mom to Mom quiz and discover your parenting style.
"Monday, May 11, 2009
Living room
First: view from the kitchen. Never mind the coats hanging over the chair: we don't have a coat rack yet..
Lots of light! We have a lot of windows, which I totally love. Almost all of them are double glazed, so they're energy efficient too.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Thank You Cake
100 g white sugar
100 g brown sugar
100 g butter
1-1/2 eggs (I use one big egg and 1 one little egg)
170 g mashed bananas (about two little bananas)
100 g cake flour
100 g wheat flour
150 ml buttermilk
3 g baking soda
3 g baking powder
3 ml vanilla extract
30 g chopped walnuts (this time I used chocolate chips instead of nuts)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in bananas, buttermilk, and vanilla. Mix in flour, baking powder, and soda. Stir in chocolate chips or nuts if desired. Pour batter into a greased 9x5 inch pan.
3. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean.
This makes a really moist, crumbly cake. I've baked it several times and everybody who has tried it, loved it. Of course, people over here don't know banana nut bread so they have nothing to compare it to..
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Kitchen chicks
I brought the chicks in the house to have them pose for me. Isn't it funny how the brown chick is almost twice the size of the yellow one? They're different kinds of chickens, that's easy to see.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Belly pillow
Yesterday my best friend and I went shopping. My jeans are getting very snug, so it was time to buy some maternity pants. When we were at Prenatal (pregnant mom/baby store) I decided to try on a pair of jeans. When I walked into the dressing room, I saw a funny little pillow hanging on a hook. We figured out pretty quickly what it was: it was a belly pillow! You're supposed to stuff it underneath your clothes so you can have a little preview of what you're going to look like when you're farther along. It was so funny!
Here they are.. the before and after pictures!

Monday, April 27, 2009
After making a spinach and tuna pizza, I trimmed the crust a bit and ended up having enough dough for a second little one. I topped it with fresh tomato, pesto and mozzarella. But when it came out of the oven, we were already full from eating the first pizza, so I saved it.
A few minutes ago, I found myself eating the mini-pizza, cold. I don't think that's what the midwife meant when she told me to eat several mini-meals a day, but I guess there are a lot of unhealthier things I could have eaten three hours after dinner time...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
First, I cleared out my coldframe. I could hardly see where it was anymore, because I hadn't used it last year and it was covered in weeds. Then, I filled some pots and flats with potting soil. And then I dug out my seed box. All of a sudden I'm really looking forward to gardening again. I did miss it last year. Of course, I had some tomato plants and a zucchini, but I don't really call that a garden. I mean to do better this year.
That's why I started zinnias (two sizes), sunflowers, zucchini, melons, red onions, gourds and nasturtium. I already have some tomato plants and a pepper plant that a friend of my mom's gave me.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Spring stroll
Like for instance these lambs.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Lunch pigeon
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Not a chicken
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I called the midwife and she told me not to worry. She said to take it seriously (and not drive if I don't feel like that's smart) but this will pass. I'm supposed to eat several mini-meals a day to keep my blood sugar levels up. Weird but I guess things could be worse..
Thursday, April 16, 2009

The baby's head is on the left, you can even see its nose. On the right the leg is clearly visible. It's a baby!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Very good news
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
25 random things
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I don't like tags but I'll participate anyway.. this one has been fun to read from other people so I might as well play too.
2. I hate repeating sounds made by people. Don't click your ballpoint pen or chew gum loudly or tick your nails on the table.. please, unless you're trying to drive me crazy.
3. I have 4 pets that are named after friends and 3 pets that are named after foods.
4. I've been living in a trailer in my backyard for 11 months now. Yes, voluntarily. Why? Take a look at my pictures.
5. I have a freckle in my right eye. Both my eyes are blue but the right one has a little brown freckle in it.
6. I don't have a middle name. Many Dutch people don't. Some Dutch people have 5 names, some only one, some any other random amount.
7. I have studied Dutch, English, German, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Latin in my life. Yes, I like languages. I'm fluent in the first two and can manage myself fairly well in German and Italian.
8. I spent a year of my life telling people "Yes, I'm a foreign exchange student. No, we don't speak English in Holland. No, that's not Holland, MI, it's actually a country in Western Europe."
9. I don't like cheese, unless it's melted (like on pizza).
10. I love to cook and bake.
11. I lost 18 lbs over the past 8 months. Enought with the bragging already!
12. I love Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Priarie.
13. I used to dream I was a pioneer girl. That's one of the reasons I went to the USA as a foreign exchaneg student. (No I did not expect life to still be like that.)
14. Even though I dated two American boys, the guy I ended up marrying only lived 11 km (7 miles) away from the house I was born.
15. I feel at home in two countries. Don't make me choose, I don't want to.
16. I love fried chicken and corn on the cob.
17. I also love kroketten, zuurkool and drop.
18. I love to snow ski even though it took me forever to learn.
19. Some people have asked me if I live in the fifties, because I raise poultry and grow my own vegetables and flowers.
20. I like to read about cleaning, but I don't like to clean.
21. I read everything. If there's a letter on something within my view, I read it. Milk cartons, traffic signs, everything.
22. I taught myself to read when I was five years old.
23. I wish I had a dog. I'm glad I don't have one though, because right now I couldn't give it enough attention.
24. I get childishly excited when it snows. Unfortunately we don't get a lot of snow in the Netherlands.
25. I love Grey's Anatomy.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Washing dishes
If there's one chore I dislike, it's washing dishes. When we first moved into the trailer, I even looked at the possibility of installing our old dishwasher in it. But there was no extra water hookup and it would have taken a lot of time and energy to get things working, so we decided to sell it instead. After that, I was the dishwasher for ten months.. until yesterday! Even though the water can't run to the sewage system yet (because of frost in the ground) M's uncle dug a big hole in the ground where the dish water can leak into. I know, it's not a great solution but it works for us now. After all, it's mainly water, food and a little dish soap so we figure it can't hurt much.
Last Monday and Tuesday the kitchen guy was here to install everything. It's so pretty, and makes the kitchen look even bigger.I'll give you the tour...
The window faces my former vegetable garden (and probably future driveway). The window is a sliding window. Next to it you see the microwave/oven and the apothecary cupboard. Don't know if you Americans are familiar with it.. but you can stash lots and lots of stuff in it and it draws out easily so you can reach everything. I can totally picture myself cooking and baking lots and lots here!!