Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not a chicken

Sometimes I'm so glad I'm not a chicken. Imagine having to lay a 7 cm (2.75 inch) egg!

Ok, I hadn't meant to make this an anology. But all of a sudden I'm reminded that I'm pregnant and that the average baby is a lot bigger. Mm, I guess I'm not going to think of that yet...


Bahama Shores Mama said...

Congrats on the pregnancy. The best advice that seems to fit this post was to think about the wimpiest woman you know that also happens to be a mother and know that IF SHE CAN GET THROUGH LABOR ~ so can you. Juvenile? You bet........but it worked for me. Good luck!

Zion said...

I am so excited for you. I have gone through and read some of your pregnancy posts. I also LOVE your new bathroom. We are remodeling and I showed my husband the pics. He really thought it was cool too. I have a couple tips about working and cloth diapering, but I don't want to leave too long of a comment. Feel free to email me

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your pregnancy! Suddenly, a chicken egg doesn't sound so bad, huh? ;-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog via WFMW today. I'll have to keep the hairspray/Sharpie thing in mind...just in case I ever need to know again.

Hope you'll stop by again soon!

Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom said...

Ooh ouch, eek! LOL every time I think about giving birth I wince... but so incredibly worth it! From what I've heard, thank God for endorphins and painkillers... ;P

Hette said...

Een hoofd door een gaatje persen is wel ff wat anders dan een kip die heel vaak een ei legt. Het is meer een meloen door een sleutelgat persen ;-)

Hette said...

Haha, zin in de bevalling. Als je zover bent dan ben je alleen maar blij als je van je buik verlost bent ;-)
Maar het was niet bedoeld om je bang te maken. Als je nog tips wil, dan kun je bij me terecht.

valerie Ardini said...

Hahaha! Ja, dat ei lijkt nu toch aanlokkelijker (om eruit te werken) dan een baby of niet?