Yesterday my best friend and I went shopping. My jeans are getting very snug, so it was time to buy some maternity pants. When we were at Prenatal (pregnant mom/baby store) I decided to try on a pair of jeans. When I walked into the dressing room, I saw a funny little pillow hanging on a hook. We figured out pretty quickly what it was: it was a belly pillow! You're supposed to stuff it underneath your clothes so you can have a little preview of what you're going to look like when you're farther along. It was so funny!
Here they are.. the before and after pictures!

Haha geinig zijn die he. Ik had 'm ook om. Kon me niet voorstellen dat het zo groot zou zijn.
Maar toen werd m'n buik nog groter...
I remember seeing that belly pillow for the 1st time. :o)
Nic I am so excited for you! When is the due date?
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