While the first load was in the machine, we went to a bathroom showroom. Then we went out to lunch. Then we went to the second bathroom showroom. We got home just in time for dinner.
So much for my laundry plans. I threw in a load after we got home, and managed to get another load done right before I went to bed. The only problem was: the dryer was still full with the first load, and I couldn't use my indoor clothes line because it's in the shed where the construction workers have coffee and eat their lunch. They don't need to see my socks and undies while they eat their lunch. That is not necessary.
So, as I unfolded my laundry rack at 23:00 (11 pm) and hung up my laundry in the evening air, I pondered one of those questions that will never be answered...
How is it possible that when I take the sheets off our bed, one of the pillow cases is always inside out while the other one is inside in?
I would be going insane without use of my dryer!
Volgens mij heeft dat met de kussens te maken.
Markeer eentje van de kussens en houd bij of dat inderdaad zo is... (alsjeblieft?)
Houd ons op de hoogte.
Hahaha, ja, het huishouden blijft voor mij ook vaak een groot raadsel en een enorme opgave. Heb er gewoon geen talent voor, denk ik. Maar goed, who cares? ;) Liefs van Martine
~ www.martinemussies.nl
Bij mij zitten ze wel altijd goed hihi. Kwestie van hoe je ze om het kussen doet?
mm ik denk nu aan de was die in mijn wasmachine zit.. blehhh
Hey nic,
How is it going? How is the building coming along?
By the way I tagged ya!
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