... that we're not only demolishing, but building too. That seems to be good news. On the other hand, the cabin fever hit me too. All of a sudden I was annoyed by the lack of privacy, and mad at myself for those emotions. We are very grateful to all the people who help us with the remodeling. Without them, it would cost us a lot more money. But at the same time, it would be nice to not have people around the house (and trailer) all the time. It would be nice to be able to say "OK, it's 19:00 and I'm going to get into my pajamas and veg out on the couch. That is not possible

. My M gets home from work, eats dinner, changes into his work clothes and gets to work. Around ten o'clock he walks in the house, drinks something and goes to bed. Lovely.
But it's all worth it. And I should not be complaining. It's only temporary, and it's all worth it. I just need to get over myself sometimes...
Ik heb veel respect voor wat jullie allemaal aan het doen zijn. Ik zou dus inderdaad niet zonder mijn privacy, pyama- en knuffelmomenten kunnen.. meis ik hoop dat het allemaal heel snel gaat. En af en toe klagen mag best, want dat het maar tijdelijk is en het waard, wil niet zeggen dat het niet vervelend kan zijn. Als je een keertje moet bijkomen ben je welkom hoor.
Bless your heart! It's just a season~ You'll be so happy when this big project is finished. Just hang on~ Happy day to you~
That would be like living in a fish bowl. When will this all be done?
I think jasmine summed it up nicely.. :D
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