I've been thinking and came up with lots of ideas, all of which I dimissed.
- Should I write more about my chicks?
No, they're definitely past the cute stage (actually, they're pretty ugly right now. And noone wants to read three consecutive blogs about chickens. That would be boring.
- Should I share a recipe?
Which one? I haven't thought of any new dishes lately and I've already posted my favorite ones.
- Should I post a Youtube video?
Why? You definitely don't want to do too much of that either.
- Should I write about how my sister-in-law had a baby and I became an auntie for the first time?
No, I don't want to do that. I generally am not a great fan of Hurrah-I-am-an-auntie-and-my-nephew-is-the-cutest-baby-in-the-world-type blogs. Besides, none of my in-laws read my blog (I think) so why bother?
- Should I write about Sinterklaas?
No, I already did that last year.
There's no real exciting news on the remodeling. We're talking to contractors now and waiting for their bids.
- Should I write about my sewing?
No, who cares about that? Besides, this is not a craft blog.
So that left only one option.
I think I'll write about how I don't know what to write about.
Het is altijd leuk om wat te lezen - zelfs al denk je zelf dat het niet boeiend genoeg is!!
Gefeliciteerd met je neefje. Je bent zeker druk om je status als fovoriete tante vast te leggen :-)
En toch heb je weer een log volgekregen. Knap hoor! ;-)
Nephews and nieces are great. You get to give them back after having spoiled them for a day and teaching all the wrong things like rugby songs, spoon balancing (you know spoon on nose) and spaghetti slurping.
Ah, het blogdipje. Ik heb er momenteel continu last van :D Toch een fijn updateblogje zo!
En zo is het toch nog een leuk logje geworden! Maar ik vind ook alles leuk om te lezen... gefeliciteerd met je neefje!
I think you should show us your sewing and also share your vision for adoption ;-)
Mine isn't a craft blog (but I have kids) or an adoption blog (though we have adopted 5 children and are in process to Guatemala right now)...my blog is about little pieces of me, my children, my faith, our homeschooling, pets, sewing, knitting, home, ....you get the idea. I try not to "write" to an audience, I try to share moments of my heart the best I can.
Hope this helps! So nice to meet you!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
Ik vind ook dat het een leuk logje is geworden!Ik herken wel een beetje wat je schrijft, heb ook last van een inspiratiedipje, hoop er snel weer uit te komen!
En.... ondertussen al wat spectaculaire dingen gebeurd om over te schrijven :-)
P.S. Onze nieuwe spellen Arkadia en The Golden Compass zijn super leuk. Mijn bestelling uit Amerika is ook binnen. Heb de trilogie besteld van die boekenserie. Dacht dat ze eind van het jaar zouden komen, maar ik heb ze nu al!
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