No, I didn't come up with it myself.
After finding my own perfect (well, close enough) chicken pot pie recipe, I found the best biscuit recipe to match it. I've tried sooo many biscuits and they never turn out the way I remember them from the United States. But these were pretty close....
For all you non-Americans: biscuits are little bread rolls that are very fluffy and flaky (if you bake them right). They make a great side dish to any oven casserole dish you can think of, and soups as well.
On Allrecipes you can find basically any recipe you want. And, the coolest thing of all: you can have it in Metric or US measurements. No more converting, yeah!!!
OK, big time copy/paste action following (of course in Metric measurements, I am still European):
250 g all-purpose flour
15 g baking powder
6 g salt
10 g white sugar
70 g shortening
235 ml milk
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in the shortening until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Gradually stir in milk until dough pulls away from the side of the bowl.
Turn out onto a floured surface, and knead 15 to 20 times. Pat or roll dough out to 1 inch thick. Cut biscuits with a large cutter or juice glass dipped in flour. Repeat until all dough is used. Brush off the excess flour, and place biscuits onto an ungreased baking sheet.
Bake for 13 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges begin to brown.
OK dan! Ik ben niet zo'n bak- en kookmens maar weet nu tenminste wel wat biscuits zijn ;) Ken trouwens wel de zoektocht naar het ideale recept... ik heb heel lang gezocht naar het recept voor de babi pangang die hier bij de plaatselijke Kota Radja te koop is... veel manieren uitgeprobeerd maar tot de conclusie gekomen dat afhalen het makkelijkst en lekkerst is ;)
Well this is a case of divided by a common language. In England a biscuit is flat and generally sweet and I believe the Dutch call them "koekje". The picture to go with your recipe looks to like scones to me. They are best served with clotted cream and jam. Yummy
Those look good.
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