Prairiecowboy had asked me how the baby chicks were doing. Time for an update!
Here's a before picture:

The little one that is face down didn't make it. But two other ones did, so four chicks survived. Three of these babies turned out to be roosters, one of them is a hen. She's lucky. Check out Prairiecowboy's site to see what will eventually happen to the roosters.
Let's start with a photo of Bjorn and Marloes. Bjorn is the white rooster, Marloes is one of his wives. Both these chickens were born here October last year.
If you wonder why Marloes's feathers are a little jagged on the side, well, let's just say Bjorn is to blame for that.
Here's a slightly scary picture of the four chicks in a row. The big ones are Marloes's boys (or her sister Piri Piri, it's hard to tell because they're identical).
Left to right: rooster, rooster, rooster, hen. They're all the same age, though different in size. The first rooster and the hen's mothers are a lot smaller than Marloes and Piri Piri. That's why their kids are smaller, too. Bjorn is the father to all of these kids.
This is Ellen and her son. You can tell they're alike. This little boy is the dark chick from the top photo.
The chickens were pretty freaked out by the camera's flash. That's why none of the pictures turned out to be World Press Photo candidates ;-). That's ok though, you get the idea!
They're adorable!
Leuk, Piri Piri :) Zo heb ik een tortelduif die Tortellini heet :)
How fun, though too bad about the little chick who didn't make it. I know, it's life but I'm a bit sad. Contratulations on an otherwise thriving family.
PS - RYC, I read a call for recipes at another blog. They requested unadulterated, word for word recipes dictated by the child. There you go! How fun! They are working on a sequal & have invited Gracie to submit again. We wrote down her recipe for Pasghetti today. :o) Thanks for asking!
Chickens. They are so cute!
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