Saturday, January 12, 2008

To ski or not to ski

When there's a big remodeling planned, you need a lot of money. That's why we decided to skip our annual skiing trip this year. After all, when we move into the trailer, we'll feel like we're on vacation anyway (hopefully) and while we work on the house we will get just as much physical exercise. Besides, spring nights can be chilly, so we can feel just like we're in the mountains, while we sleep under our plastic roof....
Something changed, however.

My uncle called and told us that his daughter won't be going on the trip. And because it's already paid for, would I like to go? My M can't take any days off, but I'll have carnaval vacation so I'll be off school already, anyway. We talked about it, and now I'm going to go on the skiing trip, after all!
I never expected to be going to Italy twice within six weeks, but I am. I'm so lucky!! (And I have a wonderful uncle, for taking me, and a wonderful husband, for letting me go!)


falleri said...

Mazzel!! Veel plezier! En hou alles heel ;) x

Anonymous said...

Heel veel plezier!

Anonymous said...

ooooh, skien in Italie is het best. Ik ben er een aantal keren met heel veel plezier heen geweest.

Ik ben al jaren niet meer geweest, want er was tot nu toe ieder jaar wel een andere reden om niet te gaan. Dat spijt me wel, maar daar is niks aan te doen.

Anonymous said...

Dat is idd geluk hebben! Ben nog nooit wezen skiƫn; vrienden van me gaan met zijn allen dit jaar maar ik ga toch nog maar niet mee... misschien volgend jaar, als ik dan geld heb... :)