The girl next door was at our wedding too, with her sister and her mom. They immediately offered to watch the rabbits for us when we were on vacation, because they have a bunny too and a big rabbit hutch. We thought that was a good idea and so there they went. This week they are on vacation, so I'm watching them.
I went over to feed them last night and everything was ok. This morning I went over there to check on them, and the door of the hutch was open and I saw only two rabbits, not three! My little brown bunny (whose name is Worm, because that's his boss's last name) was gone.
I looked around and looked around, but I couldn't find her. I went home and called M, who of course could only advise me to go back and look. The neighbors have a walled garden, so she couldn't go anywhere.And when I went back, she sat underneath the garden table, looking at me! I'm so happy... I put her back with the other two and made sure everything was closed really tightly. Phew, what a relief. I don't know what I would have told the little girl if the bunny hadn't come back. Well, I do know: the truth. But I would've felt really bad about it...
Leuk cadeau!
Ooh I hope they were all the same sex. If they weren't you may soon have lots of rabbits.
Cute though.
Na voor het tweede jaar (bijna een traditiewordend)en dit keer ruim 4 weken op de cavia's van mijn vriendin te hebben gepast is manlief ook enthousiast.
Hij wil graag een konijn en ja dan mag ik een cavia...alleen we hebben ruimte tekort.....het zal nog op zich laten wachten.....
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