Sometimes I have these things that are so clumsy, they are typical. Like Tuesday, and today.
Tuesday I had an appointment at the dermatologists's. I had to have a little mole removed (nothing to worry about). I had a typical Dutchnic moment..
I showed up at the receptionist's desk, saying: "hi, I had a 4 o'clock appointment with dr. X"
she: "no you didn't, you were a no-show at 3."
I: "oh gosh, now what do I do?"
she: "I'll talk to the dr, he's in a good mood today. ...... Yes, he'll help you. Can I have your punch card please?" (I have no idea if punch card is a correct translation. In my country you need a card with your insurance and address info to see a dr. in a hospital. They look like 80's credit cards, but they use them to check if it's really you.)
I: "Great, yeah, sure, here it is".
She: "OK, Miss (last name of my love), come along".
I: "hold on, that's not my name, that's my boyfriend's name"
(not only did I show up an hour late, I also brought my love's punch card instead of my own!)
She, not even losing her patience: "you can go to the main desk and have a new card made."
That's what I did, and the dr. helped me. He told me to come back on Thursday to have the stitch taken out. I thought 2 days was awfully quick, but hey, what do I know about medical technology?
So I show up today, and the lady says: "No you don't have an appointment, the dr. isn't even in. Let me pull up your file."
So she does, and...
"I'll see you next week Miss, because your appointment is for the 21st!"
That is so typical...can I blame it on the mono?