So here's that long overdue update... I can't believe how time is flying by! The past few weeks have been extremely busy. Finishing the school is year is never an easy task, but it's been extremely hard this year because we had to go so late into July. Usually we get out mid-June, now July 9th was the last student day, and July 17th was the last faculty day. I don't believe it's possible to go longer... For me it's ok though, because this means that we go back late too. September 7th is the first day of school, and October 6th is when my maternity leave starts. Those four weeks should be doable! I get 16 weeks of paid leave, so I won't have to go back until February 1st, which is when our second semester starts. Pretty good timing, all in all.
Health wise I've been very lucky. I've felt great for weeks now. Of course I'm tired sometimes, and when I do too much I feel the occasional Braxton-Hicks, but nothing out of the ordinary has happened. I feel the baby move several times each day now, and Maarten was able to feel it for the first time two days ago. We've already settled on the names (no, not sharing!) but we still need to come up with a middle name for if it's a boy.
The house is getting to be close to done as well. The upstairs bedrooms have been painted and we can pick up the vinyl for the floors tomorrow. We don't have stairs yet, that might take another 8 weeks. But when the baby is here everything should be done. So all is good! I'm such a lucky girl!